Friday, January 18, 2013

Mamas and babies

So this morning AB was playing with an iPad app about different animals and the sounds they make, and I noticed that a lot of the 'mommy' animals were pictured with their babies, and a lot of the baby animals with their mamas. Which got me thinking about how natural it is in the animal kingdom for me to spend the majority of my time hanging out with a little person. And how thankful I am that I get to. Sure it's also really nice to get out of the house without her too, but when it comes down to it, I'm pretty happy with the way we have things set up around here, and I sure do like spending time with that little stinker. :-)

Also, the app is called zoola. It's a good one

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

my yearly blog update

Ha, just under a year ago I said don't hold your breath, but I MAY post again within the year, and look at that - pulling in just under the wire, here I am!

I turn 32 this Sunday, so I will be the same age when my second is born as my mom was when she had me. Crazy! :) I'm super excited because I hired a doula this go-round, and think it will be great to have her there with us for the birth. And I learned that a local midwifery group has a lending library open to the public with the hypnobabies self-study course, so I don't have to go spend $150 for it! Great news all around.

Clearly, I've been thinking about this pregnancy and birth a lot lately, hence my topics of conversation. IF I end up doing any more blogging anywhere in the near (or not-so-near) future, maybe I'll find other things to talk about too.

Peace out. I'm going to read my hypnobabies course now, while AB is napping!