Friday, September 26, 2008

I may have found a new hobby

I went to my first public auction today, and I was really amazed at how cheap stuff was selling! I think you could probably make a living buying at auctions and selling elsewhere, or at least supplement it handily. :) I mean, I almost feel bad for the people whose stuff it is, but then, they're the ones that decided to have an auction, not me.... Anyway, so here are my steals...all for less than $20 total.

leather chair: $6

"jewelry" for corey: $6

prints: $1

books: $1

classic Schwinn bicycle: $4

(Granted the bike does need some work - it's really rusted, the wheels are flat, etc. but hey for $4, I think I can afford to fix it up!)

Self satisfaction: priceless.


Virginie M. said...

Nice chair. You should post some more pictures of your house with the new I'm still not sure I understand what a split level is...:-)

Unknown said...

perhaps I will have to do a video tour. One of these days, when it looks presentable enough that I'm not embarrassed...we'll see.

Grant Wentzel said...

Hey Megan --

Thanks for commenting on my blog the other day -- it's nice to know someone's reading it. And it's even better to know that someone's understanding it! I didn't know that megan-land existed until now, but I'll be sure to check back soon for the new news. Say "hey" to Corey for me.